Building vagrant images with mkosi

Posted on za 27 juli 2024 in systemd • Tagged with Arch Linux, mkosi, systemd

Last FOSDEM, there where some talks around mkosi using it for kernel hacking and systemd integration tests. These talks got me interested in mkosi, a systemd project for building OS images. After chatting some more with the maintainers, I considered the idea of moving the arch-boxes project to mkosi. (note …

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Phosh now available on Arch Linux

Posted on zo 10 september 2023 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Phosh, Mobile

Having a full Linux mobile or tablet device has always interested me, to have an alternative to Android and use Arch Linux everywhere. Realistically I won't be able to give up Android on my phone, but what about tablet's?

Phosh was developed to be a graphical user interface for mobile …

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Network-bound disk encryption on Arch Linux

Posted on zo 05 juni 2022 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Clevis, Tang

While in a discussion with my coworkers, a coworker brought up that they wanted to have automatic LUKS disk decryption on their desktop while it was at home. Normally they would use a passphrase to decrypt the LUKS volume but would prefer automatic decryption. There are multiple ways to achieve …

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Arch Reproducible Progress July 2021

Posted on zo 01 augustus 2021 in arch linux • Tagged with arch linux, reproducible builds

At the end of July, I had some days off and some more time to focus on some unreproducible packages in Arch Linux and get some of the issues resolved. This post goes through the resolved issues by category.

gzipped man pages

By default if a manpage is compressed with …

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Monitoring Arch Linux with Prometheus

Posted on ma 29 maart 2021 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Prometheus, Monitoring

For monitoring the Arch Linux infrastructure we've moved on from Zabbix to Prometheus as it fits more into our infrastructure is code goal. This required some research into how we could achieve the same monitoring with Prometheus. Our Zabbix setup monitored Host, MySQL, Borg and Arch Linux related metrics. For …

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Arch Linux Reproducible Builds Progress 2020

Posted on di 05 januari 2021 in Arch Linux, Reproducible Builds • Tagged with Arch Linux

A lot has happened since the last reproducible builds summit in Marrakesh 2019, this blog post is a summary of the progress made in 2020 of everything related to getting reproducible builds in Arch Linux.


Also known as repro this tool allows one to rebuild a package and check …

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Grafana's Loki on Arch Linux

Posted on di 18 februari 2020 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Loki, Grafana

Grafana Loki on Arch Linux

Grafana's has started a new project called loki as a prometheus for logs solution. For Arch Linux's infrastructure we where thinking about introducing logging altering for our services. Which sparked my curiosity into Loki as it looked like a simple, easy solution after watching the …

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Reproducing Arch [core] repository packages

Posted on do 27 juni 2019 in Reproducible Builds, Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Reproducible

As Arch Linux we are working on reproducible builds for a while and have a continuous test framework rebuilding package updated in our repositories. This test does an asp checkout of a package and builds it twice in a schroot, we do not try to reproduce actual repository packages yet …

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Mini DebConf Hamburg 2019

Posted on do 20 juni 2019 in Reproducible Builds • Tagged with Reproducible Builds, Arch Linux, Debian

The reproducible builds project was invited to join the mini DebConf Hamburg sprints and conference part. I attended with the intention to get together to work on Arch Linux reproducible test setup improvements, reproducing more packages and comparing results.

The first improvement was adding JSON status output for Arch Linux …

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Arch signoff

Posted on di 02 april 2019 in Arch Linux • Tagged with signoff, Arch Linux

Arch sign off tool

Since some time Arch has been letting users become testers which can sign off packages in [testing] repository's. The idea behind allowing users and not only the Arch team sign off packages as known good is that packages can be moved earlier or bugs and issues …

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