Reproducible Arch images with mkosi

Posted on za 31 augustus 2024 in systemd • Tagged with Arch Linux, mkosi, systemd, reproducible

In the previous article I investigated how to create a reproducible image but ended up with only managing to create two identical image directories. In this article we'll end up with a fully bit-by-bit reproducible filesystem image!

Some things have changed since the last post, mkosi now no longer creates …

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Investigating creating reproducible images with mkosi

Posted on zo 18 augustus 2024 in systemd • Tagged with Arch Linux, mkosi, systemd, reproducible

I've blogged before about creating vagrant images using mkosi as part of an investigation to move image creation to mkosi but also as I will be giving a talk at All Systems Go about Arch Linux images mkosi and reproducibility.

With reproducible images in this article I mean that anyone …

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Building vagrant images with mkosi

Posted on za 27 juli 2024 in systemd • Tagged with Arch Linux, mkosi, systemd

Last FOSDEM, there where some talks around mkosi using it for kernel hacking and systemd integration tests. These talks got me interested in mkosi, a systemd project for building OS images. After chatting some more with the maintainers, I considered the idea of moving the arch-boxes project to mkosi. (note …

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