Reproducing Arch [core] repository packages

Posted on do 27 juni 2019 in Reproducible Builds, Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Reproducible

As Arch Linux we are working on reproducible builds for a while and have a continuous test framework rebuilding package updated in our repositories. This test does an asp checkout of a package and builds it twice in a schroot, we do not try to reproduce actual repository packages yet …

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Reproducible Arch Linux?!

Posted on zo 26 november 2017 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Security, Reproducible

The reproducible build initiative has been started a long time ago by Debian and has been grown to include more projects. Arch is now also in the process of getting reproducible build support, thanks to the of hard work of Anthraxx, Sangy, and many more volunteers. In pacman git patches …

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