Openstack Bandit Jenkins integration

Posted on do 28 mei 2015 in Jenkins • Tagged with Jenkins, Openstack, Security

Some time ago I stumbled on Bandit, while I was doing research at work for an automated security linter. Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code, which actually found some issues in our code. I was eager to set this up in our Jenkins …

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Using python-Zarafa in Zarafa-dagent/Zarafa-spooler plugins

Posted on ma 25 mei 2015 in Programming • Tagged with Zarafa, Python

Creating plugins for the Zarafa Dagent and Spooler has been quiet complicated since it requires a lot of low-level MAPI knowledge. Since a year ago, we have been focussing on our new high-level Python API called Python-Zarafa, so it made sense to be able to use our preferred API in …

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python-zarafa monthly update Januari

Posted on vr 30 januari 2015 in Programming • Tagged with Python, Zarafa

It's a new year, so it's also time for a new update about python-zarafa. The last update was in October and a lot of new improvements and features have been added. In this article I'll walk through the new features and improvements. A detailed git changelog can be found at …

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WebApp plugin development introduction

Posted on zo 11 januari 2015 in Programming • Tagged with Python, Zarafa, WebApp

This is a short tutorial on how to write a simple WebApp plugin, the plugin will add a widget to the WebApp's mail settings tab. The widget will allow a user to remove email addresses and domains from the safesenders list in the users WebApp settings.


We start …

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