Arch monthly June

Posted on Mon 02 July 2018 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux

Archive cleanup

The Arch Archive has been cleaned up, the discussion started in this mail thread. The archive server was running out of space and therefore needed some cleaning, all packages which are not required for reproducible builds where removed (and where from 2013/2014/2015). Packages from these years …

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Arch monthly May

Posted on Sat 02 June 2018 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Pacman, Arch Linux

Pacman release

Finally! A new pacman release, this version adds some critical bits for reproducible builds and the pacman repository has been shed of misc tools which are now in pacman-contrib. More details in the changelog and on reddit


For reproducible builds, every package in the repository build …

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Arch monthly January

Posted on Tue 06 February 2018 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, FOSDEM, TU, DevOps

Arch Linux @ FOSDEM

Arch Linux Trusted Users, Developers and members of the Security team have been at FOSDEM. Next year there will be more stickers hopefully and maybe a talk, but it was great to meet some Arch users in real life, discuss and even hack on the Security Tracker …

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Arch monthly December

Posted on Mon 01 January 2018 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, FOSDEM, 34C3, AUR

Arch Linux @ 34C3

Arch Linux Trusted Users, Developers and members of the Security team have been at 34C3 and even held a small meetup. There was also an assembly where people from the irc channel could meet each other. Seeing how much interest there was this year, it …

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Arch monthly November

Posted on Fri 08 December 2017 in Arch Linux • Tagged with TU, Reproducible builds, GCC

New TU Andrew Crerar

Andrew Crerar applied to become a Trusted User and was accepted! Congratulations! His intentions is to move firefox-develop from the AUR to [community]

77% Reproducible packages

Currently 77% of the packages are reproducible, note that we do not vary everything yet in the two builds. For …

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Reproducible Arch Linux?!

Posted on Sun 26 November 2017 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux, Security, Reproducible

The reproducible build initiative has been started a long time ago by Debian and has been grown to include more projects. Arch is now also in the process of getting reproducible build support, thanks to the of hard work of Anthraxx, Sangy, and many more volunteers. In pacman git patches …

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Arch monthly October

Posted on Sat 11 November 2017 in Arch Linux

This is the second edition of Arch monthly, mostly due to the lack of time to work on Arch weekly. So let's start with the roundup of last month.

New TU David Runge

David Runge applied to become a Trusted User and was accepted! He mentioned to have a huge …

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Arch monthly September

Posted on Mon 02 October 2017 in Arch Linux

This is the first edition of Arch monthly, mostly due to the lack of time to work on Arch weekly. So let's start with the roundup of last month.

Two new Trusted Users

Alad and Foxboron joined the Trusted Users team! Congrats!

Archweb signoff helper

This has been around for …

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Arch weekly #2

Posted on Fri 26 May 2017 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux

This is the second edition of Arch weekly, a small weekly post about the news in the Arch Linux community.

Official docker image for Arch Linux!

After reporting about the Arch-boxes project last week. Pierres created the Arch Linux organization on Docker and created a base image. The docker build …

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Arch weekly #1

Posted on Wed 17 May 2017 in Arch Linux • Tagged with Arch Linux

This is the first edition of Arch weekly, a small weekly post about the news in the Arch Linux community. Hopefully this will be a recurring weekly blog post!

linux-hardened appears in [community]

After the disappearance of linux-grsec from the repos due to the Grsecurity project not providing the required …

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