Arch monthly June
Posted on ma 02 juli 2018 in Arch Linux
Archive cleanup
The Arch Archive has been cleaned up, the discussion started in this mail thread. The archive server was running out of space and therefore needed some cleaning, all packages which are not required for reproducible builds where removed (and where from 2013/2014/2015). Packages from these years should also be available at the internet archive.
There will be an Arch Linux Devroom on the Sunday of FrOSCon with talks and the possibility to meet members of the team.
Python2 modules cleanup
A proposal has been send out to remove 'orphan' python2 modules. As a start of phasing out python2 packages.
Package guidelines improvements
Foxboron proposed improving the package guidelines.
Core/extra cleanup
Core and extra has been cleaned up a bit, removed packages where pcmciautils, speedtouch and zd1211-firmware.
AUR package compromised
As expected from the AUR, anyone can upload a package or adopt one and change it. This happened to acroread on Sunday and some other packages, always review packages you build from the AUR before building.