Arch monthly July
Posted on wo 01 augustus 2018 in Arch Linux
Archweb updates
The Arch Linux website has been updated and it's search functionality was expanded to make it able to find the 'archlinux-keyring' by searching for 'archlinux keyring'. This was contributed by an external!. Another small visual improvement was made by removing some empty spaces in provides.
AURpublish was added to [community] by eschwartz, a tool to manage your AUR packages.
Dropping luxrender packages
Lukas proposed dropping luxrays, luxrender and luxblend25 packages from [community]. The proposal went through without opposition and embree2 was also dropped in the process.
Python 3.7 in [testing]
Python 3.7 finally landed in [testing] after a painful rebuild period with many packages requiring fixes due to the async keyword or C ABI/Compiler changes.
Enforcing 2FA on Github
This does not impact Arch, but the Github repo used for the development of the Arch security Tracker, website and some mirroring now enforces 2FA in light of the recent Gentoo Github repo incident
Removal of openjdk 9, phasing out Java 7
Anthraxx removed openjdk 9 from the repos since it is EOL and nothing depends on it. Java 7 will be phased out as well soon.
New TU
Filipe Laíns has been accepted as a new TU, read his proposal and results here.
New TU applicant
A new application has arrived, voting is currently underway.
Acroread package compromised
The acroread package was compromised by a user who took over the orphan package and uploaded a new version with
aurweb 4.7.0
A new version of the AUR is deployed with new features and bugfixes.
Linux package source moved
Linux package source moved to github along with changes in the PKGBUILD.
Pacman 5.1.1 release
Pacman 5.1.1 was released containing several bugfixes.