Arch signoff

Posted on di 02 april 2019 in Arch Linux

Arch sign off tool

Since some time Arch has been letting users become testers which can sign off packages in [testing] repository's. The idea behind allowing users and not only the Arch team sign off packages as known good is that packages can be moved earlier or bugs and issues found earlier. To sign off a package you need to login into Arch Linux's website and go to the sign off page to sign off a package. Haavard created a tool to be able to sign off packages from the command line which makes it easier to sign off by doing it interatively.

This tool has now been adopted by Arch as the official sign off tool and has been packaged in the extra repository. Issues can be reported here.

If you want to become an Arch Linux tester, feel free to apply here. A special thanks goes out to the current testing team and haavard for creating this awesome tool!